Sony UK’s live Q&A webcam sesssion

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A recording – advance for half an hour or so to miss the lengthy setting-up process – is available of the web Q&A which Paul Genge of Sony handled tonight for a UK and worldwide audience of over 450 web-browsers.

Here are some resumé details and comments made during watching the webcast:

Paul failed to understand the question about the angle of view for video. Some existing models (14 megapixel NEX for example) crop the horizontal angle of view for HD1080, they don’t just take slices off the top and bottom. The question whether the 24.3 megapixel sensor HD mode uses the full horizontal angle like the 16 megapixel Alpha 55 remains unanswered.

Flash sync socket combined with auto gain for manual live view in place of manual mode exposure simulation does allow studio work with the A77.

Question about the SLT and light loss is not answered clearly – the correct answer is that additional gain is applied, so in effect, the mirror does result in higher noise levels. But this has not proved to be noticeable in the A55.

Paul implies that Sony has not yet designed the next generation of full frame cameras – but later on, confirms that there definitely will be one. No-one asked about the megapixel possibilities…

No audio input level control (auto gain, 5v mic phantom power via 3.5mm stereo jack). Not much was made of this but it is the killer feature of the Canon 60D and 600D, enabling these cameras to film amplified music gigs with clean sound despite the clipping and overdrive potential of small condensors in high sound pressure. Manual volume setting is very important as music gigs are a big, big use of HD video.

Black 18-55mm kit lens will be exclusive to the NEX-7.

Firmware upgrade for NEX-3, NEX-5 and NEX-C3 will allow use of the LA-EA2.

A77 and A65 use electronic sensor based video stabilisation, not physical piezo actuation and movement of the sensor on the carriage, to reduce sensor overheating but provide IS. This may answer the question about the video HD crop, as this type of stabilisation can only be effective if the sensor is substantially larger than the image area. If this stabilisation is proposed for stills, it could result in variable crops of the image area. But no-one was asking questions at this level.

A77 MR Memory Recall – three custom setups saved, as with current Canon models. but not as convenient as the Alpha 900 with its three physical dial memory positions. Better than pure screen-menu chosen memory settings though.

Paul is now calling NEX ‘necks’ not ‘any eggs’. Good, that’s how we have always said it!

24.3 megapixel sensor creates 27.6MB raw file size, 38MB when also shooting a typical fine JPEG.

A77 movie exposure modes (P, A, S, M) can only be used if the camera is set to Manual focus; it is possible to re-autofocus during a take, but the brightness and settings appear to change.

ISO in finder, but OLED EVF can be customised to show what functions or settings you want to display, independently of what you see on the rear LCD.

September 24-25th, event at Sony HQ Weybridge, Surrey – – Saturday or Sunday, team of advocate photographers, book space – £77 for first 30 users, £150 for rest. Includes free goodie, bag, lunch, transfer from rail station. Meet Paul Genge, his team, and the Alpha advocate photographers. Other companies involved will include Manfrotto, G-Tec hard drives.

(We asked later to attend this, but Press are excluded – it is strictly for paying delegates and aimed only at owners).

Question about Sigma lens compatibility – praised Sigma as an honourable Japanese company, which generally fixes the lenses as needed.

12-bit depth raw.

Over 450 users.

Did not mention GPS (we have subsequently had some complaints at PCA over the omission of GPS from the NEX-7 – ‘the ideal travel camera but no GPS is a deal-breaker’).

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