Sony unveils ‘ACE’ dealers in UK

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What we thought would be the ‘Alpha Pro’ project – display centres for the entire system sited at key retail outlets through Britain – turned out to be the ‘ACE’ project. That is, Sony Alpha Centres of Excellence. London Camera Exchange Colchester, one of the selected dealers, supplied these shots of the new showcase.

The stand features the range of lenses – from 11-18mm zoom to 500mm mirror – with easily changed labels so that new lenses can be swapped over on the equally spaced horizontal shelves of the lockable lens unit.

In the centre there is a display for three camera bodies only, again with the facility to change the model and label easily.

To the right, there is a locked cabinet for the accessories such as the Sony ring light (not a flash, but a continuous LED source) and flash system:

The stockist involved in the ACE scheme must have a range of accessories including the dedicated Zeiss filters.

The programme certainly shows a commitment to matching the similar cabinets and P-O-S units provided by Nikon and others, and in these stores at least will end the situation where only cherry-picked basic items are on display and everything else is to order only (or they have no idea what it is!).

Thanks to David Jenner of London Camera Exchange Colchester for providing the shots of their newly installed ACE display. David is committed to developing the Sony Alpha system sales, and has been an early stockist of all new items. He is also offering free one year membership of the Photoworld Club (Photoclubalpha magazine) with selected Alpha system purchases.

Their details are:

London Camera Exchange
12 Eld Lane
01206 573444
[email protected]

– DK

One comment

  • I just saw one of these in my local independent camera store. I suddenly wished i was about five grand richer…
