Alpha 55 video of a rare occasion

On Saturday, the Household Cavalry chose to provide a guard of honour for a wedding couple lucky enough to have planned their wedding for the day the mounted regiment was in town. I photographed the event from the unique viewpoint of an Alpha 55 fitted with a Sigma 8-16mm superwide zoom, mounted on a 3.5m high Manfrotto stand with a 7″ Lilliput HDMI monitor connected on a long HDMI cable to compose and follow the action. The sound is just what the camera recorded, no external microphone was used.

Capture One 6.2 – A55/33, NEX-5/3

The new Capture One 6.2 release includes raw conversion for the Sony Alpha 55, Alpha 33, NEX-5 and NEX-3. It offers enhanced options for local adjustments, additional camera controls for Canon and Nikon and improved XMP metadata functionality.

The release also adds camera support for the latest Samsung, Fuji, Ricoh, Panasonic, Canon, and Nikon camera models as well as camera support for Phase One IQ180, IQ160, and IQ140 including tethered support.

Capture One 6.2 includes the following new features and enhancements:
– Local adjustment of saturation and clarity
– Invert local adjustments mask
– Copy local adjustments mask from other layer
– Auto sync of XMP metadata (sidecars only)
– Additional camera controls for Canon and Nikon
– Improved OpenCL and 64 bit performance

Capture One 6.2 offer support for the following new cameras and ! hardware:
– Phase One IQ180, IQ160 and IQ140 including tethered support
– Canon 600D/Rebel T3i and 1100D/Rebel T3 including tethered support
– Fuji X100
– Nikon D5100* and tethered support for Nikon D-7000 (*preliminary)
– Panasonic DMC-GH2 and DMC-GF2
– Samsung NX5, NX10, NX11 and NX100
– Sony SLT-A55, SLT-A33, NEX-3 and NEX-5

Learn more about Capture One 6.2 here

Download Capture One 6.2 here

Alpha 55 1080p HD video – snow in Scotland

This video was made on December 23rd using the Alpha 55 (AVCHD recording) hand held, with SS enabled, and the Carl Zeiss 16-80mm zoom. This video has been uploaded in full 1080p HD and can be viewed at high resolution if you have a fast enough connection. The soundtrack is a classical guitar piece I wrote ten years ago, on the last day of the year 2000, when snow was falling by moonlight which I guess the music represents a bit better than mid-day.
Some camera-mic sound has been left in place for two of the takes, and the shot of the stone wall uses active phase detection AF during video. This was not possible for most takes, as the snowflakes falling made the focus constantly change as they passed the focus zones!

Hope you enjoy it! The camera got very wet with snow – you can see where flakes landed on the lens filter – and ended up being wiped down many times. Eventually, after going into a shop for a few minutes, everything steamed up. But it seems fine after letting it dry out and warm up. It was not very cold, around 1°C for snow to be falling like this.
– David