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New Alpha and lens range launch imminent

THE appearance of press-release resolution (14Mb) images of the new Alpha – un-named but thought to be the Alpha 200 or 300 because of the product code earlier assigned to shots of prototypes at PMA – combines with reports on various forums from European Sony executives visiting Japan to suggest that the launch announcement for the new model and a range of full-frame lenses is imminent. Continue reading »

Sony and ASDA team up in UK for photoprinting service

ASDA and Sony launch fastest digital photo printing service on the market

Britain’s second largest supermarket chain invests in multi-million pound deal to install 260 kiosks in 130 stores across the UK to maximise customer convenience and profits

LONDON, 20th June 2007 – By the end of 2007, ASDA customers will have access to the fastest digital printing facilities on the market with new Sony printing kiosks. The Sony kiosks utilise state-of-the-art printing technology to create standard 4×6″ photos at market leading speed.

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Sony GPS-CS1 tracker and software

THE FIRST QUESTION anyone asks about the Sony GPS-CS1 device is whether it will work with their non-Sony digital camera. The answer is yes but you may need to buy some extra software, as it only comes with software to link up to Sony Picture Motion Browser. If you can ensure that you buy the product sold as GPS-CS1KA it should include a copy of this software in full. If you buy the product coded only as GPS-CS1, it may have nothing apart from a patch-updater program you are supposed to use with your existing Sony installation. So make sure you know exactly what you are buying (there appears to be no price difference, and very few retailers are making any distinction between the two bundles). There seems to be no reason to continue offering the kit with the updater only. Continue reading »

Flash choices for the Alpha DSLRs

TESTING the flash options most widely sold for the Minolta/Sony unique hot shoe system became a necessity after the launch of the Alpha 100. Despite the reliability of automatic TTL off-the-film flash metering ever since Minolta first introduced it with the Auto Electroflash PX series in 1981, things began to go wrong with the shift to digital SLRs. Continue reading »

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