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Fitting a Vectis 80-240mm to the NEX

OVER the past few days I’ve been looking at the NEX-5 and a range of lenses and optical systems. I’ve got adaptors for C-mount (16mm/TV/CCTV) lenses, Leica 39mm screw, Minolta MD and the LA-EA1 for Alpha A-mount. The NEX-5 has proved able to provide a surprisingly bright focusing image through a classic German microscope:

It also proved very competent with the Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 OS lens, the adaptor providing power for the OS which is fully functional, and also for auto exposure, leaving only manual magnified focusing to tackle. Continue reading »

Tamron grey importers get €2m fine

TAMRON Europe GmbH, Cologne, Germany attains drastic 2 Mio € penalty verdict against Ruitenberg / Crown in the Netherlands for dealing with illegal imports (press release)

On June 30th 2010 the district court in Utrecht/Netherlands (file reference number 262876/HA ZA 09-458) rendered a verdict against Mr. H.P. Ruitenberg and 4 respective entities of the so-called Crown group in favour of Tamron Europe, Cologne, Germany.

After an extremely harsh and meticulous prosecution Tamron Europe`s lawyers succeeded in providing evidence that Mr Ruitenberg and several of his respective Crown companies violated the trademark rights of Tamron by dealing with illegally imported merchandise, which was not imported into the EU by or on behalf of Tamron. The court could be successfully convinced of the damaging impact to Tamron Europe`s business resulting from the illegal trade.

The verdict includes a penalty of €2,000,000 for non-compliance with an earlier verdict that Tamron obtained in its favour. Tamron Europe urgently suggests all retailers in Europe to purchase Tamron merchandise solely from unsuspicious and fully reliable sources, as the company will not hesitate to take similar drastic legal action against any kind of trade with illegally imported Tamron products.

CZ 24mm + 35mm and 85mm SAM lenses arrive

Sony is expanding its line-up of over 30 A-mount lenses with new models that will appeal to seasoned photographers and those new to DSLR cameras alike – a 35mm f/1.8 DT (APS-C) SAM, an 85mm f/2.8 full frame SAM, and the long-awaited 24mm f/2 Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 24mm f/2 for full frame with SSM ultrasonic focusing. In the interests of getting this report on line, it’s mainly Sony words, with a few added comments and edits.
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Practical's NEX-5 verdict – 8/10

I was going to post this on our Forum for NEX originally. It’s not good form to launch into what may be seen as ‘rival’ publications or journalists, so it’s the kind of thing which is often kept to blog pages or forum discussion. But Practical Photography is one the best-selling, and most powerful, photo magazines in the world.
So, I copied my ramblings and moved them here, instead of putting them in a forum post where just a few hundred people would see them. Tens of thousands of visitors see Photoclubalpha’s main site articles, and I want this to be seen, because it matters.
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Firmware update for NEX-5 and 3

Sony has introduced a firmware update, allowing consumers to shoot in 3D on the a NEX-5/NEX-3 interchangeable lens cameras.

The free download from the Sony Europe support site ( adds several performance enhancements including 3D Sweep Panorama. This exciting new technology means it is now possible for consumers to capture dramatic panoramic images in 3D, all with an extra-wide field of view.

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New Alpha 290 and 390

Sony has announced two new cameras this morning – but it’s not an announcement which will have Alpha system users rushing to the cashpoint and queuing at Sony Style. The Alpha 290 and 390 are dumbed-down versions of the 230/380 with user interfaces partly borrowed from the NEX including the built-in Help Guide. The rear 2.7 inch Clear Photo LCD screeen does most of the work of communicating with the user.

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Sony NEX Launch – detailed transcription

The European press launch
David Kilpatrick recorded the proceedings at Le Meridien Lav Hotel, Split, Croatia on March 11th 2010 using a Zoom H2 portable digital recorder. Shirley Kilpatrick transcribed the audio, with subsequent editing to translate verbal output to read well as text. This is a multi-page document please use the PAGE navigation at the foot of each page to continue reading. It is a very long document.
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What's NEX? – full first-look review

Although you will never achieve the kind of results seen with your Sony NEX-3, the technologies used in these cameras do filter down and more compact versions may be seen in the future in your Sony Mobile Phone, enabling you to take great images on the move. Continue reading to find out more about the camera system and its capabilities.
THE SONY NEX-3 & NEX-5 cameras are ultra-slim interchangeable lens models, referred to as ‘ultracompact’ or ‘compact system camera’ models by Sony. The lens flange to film distance is only 18mm, compared to 44.5mm for the Alpha system and very similar figures for all popular SLR brands.
The Leica M and screw mounts, with under 1mm difference between them, are 10mm greater than this at around 28mm. Screw mount Leica lenses can be adapted to M even though there is only 1mm difference. With 10mm difference, almost any lens ever made for any camera – even the Robot system, original Contax, maybe even the Pentax 110 SLR – can probably be adapted to fit the E-mount. In fact it will accept 16mm and 35mm (half-frame) ciné, C-mount CCTV lenses, and subminiature camera lenses.
You name it, the NEX will be able to do it. Telescopes, microscopes, endoscopes, whatever. And Alpha lenses, and MD lenses. There is even enough ROOM with over 25mm the spare to fit a true retrofocus format reduction converter – that is, a 0.66X optical unit which condenses the image from a full frame lens to fit the APS-C sensor. It is already done in the video and ciné world, and these converters have a wonderful bonus. Your 24-70mm f/2.8 SSM lens becomes, with a 0.66X reducing converter behind it, a 16-46mm f/2. That’s right – the same way a teleconverter loses you a stop or two, a format reduction converter gains you a stop.
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