Master Photography Awards 2009 exhibition

EVERYONE is welcome to come along to the Newcastle Gateshead Hilton Hotel on Sunday October 11th, from 11am onwards. There will be a range of trade exhibition stands and the complete exhibition for the 2009 Master Photography Awards will be on show – though the winners will not be revealed until later in the day at the awards dinner.

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Sony send mains power through thin air

Sony Corporation today announced the development of a highly efficient wireless power transfer system that eliminates the use of power cables from electronic products such as television sets. Using this system, up to 60 Watts of electrical energy can be transferred over a distance of 50cm (at an efficiency of approximately 80%, approximately 60% including rectifier).
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Sony invent 3D movie HDTV camera

Sony Corporation today announced the development of a single lens 3D camera technology capable of recording natural and smooth 3D images of even fast-moving subject matter such as sports, at 240fps (frames per second).  This technology combines a newly developed optical system for single lens 3D camera which captures the left and right images simultaneously, together with existing high frame rate (HFR) recording technology to realize 240fps 3D filming.  Sony will demonstrate a prototype model incorporating this technology at “CEATEC JAPAN 2009”, to be held at Makuhari Messe convention center in Chiba city, Japan, from October 6th.
High Frame Rate Single Lens 3D Camera Technology(prototype)
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Stunned by the beautiful game

Peter Crouch cuts a striking figure on the football pitch at the best of times and when recently asked to train the UK Sony ‘Twilight Football’ team ahead of their big game on the 22nd September, the outcome was some simply stunning imagery. (Editor’s note – continue reading to see the ‘stunning imagery’… but have somewhere handy to put the hair you tear out)
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Spot the deliberate mistake!

Received today from Nikon:


Nikon Corporation is pleased to announce that its production of NIKKOR lenses (interchangeable lenses for Nikon SLR cameras) reached a total of fifty million units last month.

Nikon released the first NIKKOR lens, the NIKKOR-S Auto 5cm f/2 in 1959, along with Nikon’s first digital SLR camera, the Nikon F. In the fifty years since the launch, NIKKOR lenses have been extremely well received by a great number of photo enthusiasts and professional photographers.

Nikon’s current product line-up includes more than sixty NIKKOR lenses for Nikon SLR cameras, from fisheye lenses, super wide-angle to super telephoto lenses and micro lenses.

For more information about the range of lenses and cameras please visit

(no prizes of 50-year-old digital camera will be offered for correct answers!)

National Museum Bursary

Emerging photographers seeking support for their work have until the end of the month to apply for a bursary of up to £20,000 from the National Media Museum. Following the success of the scheme in 2007 and 2008, the National Media Museum in Bradford, in partnership with five sponsors, is inviting applications until 25 September 2009, as part of its ongoing commitment to new photography.
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Nikon seminar dates

Nikon has teamed up with six of the industry’s most influential technology suppliers to bring cutting-edge, digital workflow solutions to professional photographers across Europe.

Nikon, Adobe Systems, Apple, Hewlett Packard, Nik Software, Wacom and X-Rite have joined forces for a unique, nine-city Creative Alliance Tour. The tour has been set up to provide creative professionals with a comprehensive insight into a complete digital workflow. A full-day seminar will take place at each city stop, hosted by photo professionals and evangelists Keith Thompson, Kevin Dopson, Robin Preston, and Guy Gowan among others. These influential master photographers will demonstrate live shoots, and talk about why colour profile and calibration is key to getting the best end product.

From image capture to printing and marketing, delegates of the Creative Alliance Tour will learn how to achieve optimum results (high resolution in, high resolution out) using the most innovative techniques available to photographic professionals. The seminars will consist of inspirational presentations and in-depth technical workshops, with the opportunity to share questions and experiences with the experts.

“The long-established professional photographic community has seen dramatic changes to photographic technology in the past few years, with the transition from silver halide to digital, and from traditional SLR to digital SLR. Combining the resources and expertise of the seven companies, this tour will provide a unique platform for the photographic community to learn about the latest technological innovations and take advantage of a complete digital workflow within their existing production process,” said photographer and digital artist, Robin Preston.

Photographers should not miss this opportunity to gain valuable insight into the latest workflow tools that could help their business maintain its competitive edge.

Registration and dates

The Creative Alliance Tour has started in Ede on the 24th June 2009, in the Netherlands. The tour will resume the 15th September 2009 in Manchester and 17th September 2009 in London.

Spain, Germany, Italy and France will follow in October and November 2009. For the exact dates and registration information please visit:

Alpha 850 official press release

Sony has announced the Alpha 850 today, without a press conference, but via email to editors. The press release follows, confirming pretty much everything we have already been able to reveal about the 850. One exception – it does have dual BIONZ processor, not single, just a slower image throughput perhaps due to clock speed, buffer, processing firmware changes. We must hope that the slower capture rate is accompanied by superior image quality, as that is a real possibility. I have marked in bold any phrases which I think might indicate something new. Apparently the body-only deal is to appear one month before the kit.
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New Alpha A500, A550 official news release

Sony has announced the Alpha 500 and 550 today with an official release to all press. No press conference was held for the UK press and any advance information received has been given indivudally to journalists. There is a press event tonight in London but this is VERY specifically stated to be for trying out the new Cyber-Shot models at twilight. The official release follows.
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