New Photoworld edition on-line

The Autumn 2009 (No 4 2009) issue of Photoworld mails out to subscribers on Monday November 2nd.
You can also read the edition on-line at YUDU – we have now changed the price for each individual edition to £2.50 (from £3.00) so that if you buy single edition access, a year costs exactly the same as a normal yearly digital subscription of £10. All YUDU subscriptions and sales support the Photoclubalpha website and forum. The price including the printed edition is £25 per year (worldwide).

Click to launch the full edition in a new window.
Each issue now has six sample pages viewable without purchase.

Stunned by the beautiful game

Peter Crouch cuts a striking figure on the football pitch at the best of times and when recently asked to train the UK Sony ‘Twilight Football’ team ahead of their big game on the 22nd September, the outcome was some simply stunning imagery. (Editor’s note – continue reading to see the ‘stunning imagery’… but have somewhere handy to put the hair you tear out)
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Crop or cram? Pixel density versus the big view…

The Alpha 900 offers an unrivalled view through its 100% prism finder. The extra brightness, as well as the size and clarity, make most subjects far easier to photograph well. For some users, however, the full frame camera brings a disadvantage in terms of reach and resolution. You need lenses 50% longer (and thus twice the size, and four times the cost!) to fill the frame with the same distant sports and wildlife subjects. I don’t need to remind anyone how popular these two subjects are with amateurs, and sometimes, how important to professionals.
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Alpha 850 – 24 megapixel 3fps in 900 body

Sony’s new Alpha 850 will be identical to the Alpha 900 in size, handling and external design – including the omission of onboard flash. The camera, expected to be launched before September, uses the same 24.6 megapixel CMOS sensor as the Alpha 900 but has – it is rumoured – only a single BIONZ processor, and a very slightly modified viewfinder. It is shipped without the Remote Commander (this becomes an optional extra) indicating that minimum retail price is Sony’s aim.
This is a screen grab from in Germany who have the body only offered for €1999.00 and the kit with SAM 28-75mm f/2.8 new lens for €2699.00. As listed that makes the body about 10% more expensive than the current street price of the Alpha 900 – indicating either that the A850 prices are RRP and will rapidly fall, or that the A900 is about to get a price hike. They offer the A900 for €2499.00 and that would – pro rata – make the UK street price for the A850 about £1599. Please note: though the 28-75mm picture is authentic, the body shown has the AF switch set to C – just like the Sony shots of the A900 issued to dealers. Maybe they would do this for all packshots for some reason, maybe it was chance – more likely. It would be unlikely to happen again for the 850 shot so I reckon this is shopped.
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New accessories for Sony Alpha range

A long-demanded 1.15X eyepiece magnifier – compatible with all APS-C format Sony Alpha DSLRs – is just one of a rollout of new minor accessories for the system. The Magnifying Eyepiece FDA-ME1AM is designed to fit the A700, A380, A330, A230, A350, A300 and A200 and should also be fully compatible with A100, Konica Minolta 7D and 5D.
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Alpha 500, 550 and 850

Sony’s September launch for 2009 looks set to include three new models – the Alpha 500, 550 and 850. The model numbers are confirmed by the usual backdoor leak, appearing in the registration database for SonyStyle USA in this case (Canada has been a past culprit, updating databases associated with their site before the product is officially released). However, only a few people know what these cameras will be, and they are limited by non-disclosure contracts.
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Support for A230, A330, A380 in latest Adobe release

Adobe has added the latest Alpha model support to Lightroom and ACR before the cameras have become fully available worldwide – as they did with the original Alpha 100. Lightroom 2.4 and Adobe Camera Raw 5.4 final releases include raw conversion for the Alpha 230, 300 and 380.
To download the latest utilities (including DNG Converter, which converts the raw files to a form which earlier versions of Photoshop CS can process) visit:
The updates are free but you must have recent versions of authorised software installed to benefit from them. The ACR Plug-In will also update Adobe Elements 7 (PC) or 6 (Macintosh) to work with the full range of Sony Alpha DSLRs.
We have run comparison ACR conversions on Alpha 900 files using 5.4 and the earlier Release Candidate (beta) version – there is no difference, output is bit for bit identical.

New Sony Alpha 500 and 550 leaked

This post has been updated on August 29th as it features second in Google searches for Sony Alpha 550 – but it contained only rumour links when first posted in May.
The camera is now launched, along with the 500 and the full-frame 850.
Please visit our detailed launch and specification reports –
– DK

Call for Gallery Entries

We are now accepting images for entry to the Summer edition Photoworld magazine Gallery pages. Non-subscribers may submit via this email address up to three images per quarter/issue only (subscribers to the magazine may submit an unlimited number). Images should be no larger than 2000 x 3000 pixels or the equivalent data size for panoramas (6 megapixels). They should saved as AdobeRGB or sRGB JPEG files, with embedded ICC profile and intact EXIF data, to level 8 quality (High) or better. Your details, caption, copyright information, website URL, email address etc should be written into the file EXIF/IPTC fields – use ‘File Information’ in Photoshop File Menu to view and edit these text fields.
You may also put caption, website, etc information in a separate text document attachment or in the body of your email.
The picture/s must have been taken on Minolta, Konica Minolta, Sony or Sony Alpha equipment. Scans from slides, negatives or prints are accepted and full details must be provided of equipment used. EXIF data will be used to confirm the origin of digital entries.
Do not use ‘Save for Web’ as this will strip out your colour profile, EXIF camera data and IPTC caption data!
[email protected]
The terms are single use in the publication, website and on-line PDF edition. One year’s subscription will be given to the photographer for each image chosen for use (if you already have a subscription, you may nominate a friend or family member to receive this as a gift, starting with the issue featuring your photo). One extra copy of the magazine featuring your image will also be supplied. A byline and web link to your URL (live in the PDF edition) will be printed.
Gallery is an edited competition, not a judged competition. Pictures are chosen which work well as pages, spreads, pairs or fit a theme chosen by the editors. Images may be filed and carried over to future issues if they are of merit and may fit in with future theme.
The closing date for the Summer issue is June 30th.
– David Kilpatrick

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