DxO updates for the D3 and D300
Paris, France – February 29, 2007 – DxO Labs announces today the addition of 10 new lenses, including popular zooms and fish-eyes, to its library of lens correction modules for DxO Optics Pro v5. Continue reading »
Cameracraft magazine – Taking your practical photography further
Paris, France – February 29, 2007 – DxO Labs announces today the addition of 10 new lenses, including popular zooms and fish-eyes, to its library of lens correction modules for DxO Optics Pro v5. Continue reading »
Kenro has announced the release of a series of new LCD panel protectors from Marumi. Continue reading »
Kenro has announced the UK release of a new Marumi Ring Flash, the DRF14. Continue reading »
Kenro has announced the UK release of a new flash gun from Nissin, the Di466. Continue reading »
Calgary, Alberta (Feb. 5, 2007) – Need an extra PC around the house? Userful is giving away its innovative software that gives you a second computer for free. They had such a warm response to their holiday giveaway that they have decided to continue giving away the software. It is the perfect way to reduce line-ups for the computer as spouses, parents, and children battle for a turn. Continue reading »
Cut and pasted from the Adobe Stock Photos site: good news for all the loyal Adobe Photoshop users they rather dumped on from on high with this venture to start with! Continue reading »
London, February 5, 2008 – Eastman Kodak Company (NYSE:EK) is enabling a new level of performance in consumer imaging devices by redesigning the basic building blocks used to collect light and incorporating that technology into a brand-new sensor. Continue reading »
Tessera Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq:TSRA), a leading provider of miniaturization technologies for the electronics industry, today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire FotoNation, a leading provider of embedded imaging solutions for digital still camera and mobile phone applications.
Leica Camera AG has announced the introduction of the LEICA M8 Upgrade Programme at PMA, Las Vegas (31 January – 2 February 2008), an innovative concept adding lifelong value retention to the digital LEICA M8. Continue reading »
Photographic rental companies like their shelves to be empty; it usually means their stock is out on hire. Following a raid by an armed gang though, London rental company, Pro Centre, found its shelves cleared of a large proportion of the company’s Hasselblad H-System rental stock – though thankfully not the H3DII digital cameras which were out on rental. Continue reading »