Adobe to shut down Adobe Stock Photos

 Cut and pasted from the Adobe Stock Photos site: good news for all the loyal Adobe Photoshop users they rather dumped on from on high with this venture to start with!

As of April 1, 2008, the Adobe® Stock Photos royalty-free image service will be discontinued. Adobe made this decision in order to focus efforts in other areas. We appreciate your support of Adobe and the Adobe Stock Photos service.

After March 31, 2008, you will no longer be able to purchase images from Adobe Stock Photos. Here are the steps you might need to take before this date:

  1. Complete your images searches by March 4, 2008.
  2. Make your final purchases by March 31, 2008.
  3. If necessary, download past purchases again and print your purchase history by March 31, 2008.
  4. When you’re ready, remove Adobe Stock Photos from your Adobe Creative Suite® edition or standalone applications. Download the uninstaller: Macintosh | Windows®
  5. Purchase Adobe Stock Photos comp images directly from the image provider if needed. Use the Adobe Stock Photos image ID converter to determine which provider offers your comp image.

Get more details

Find out more about the discontinuation of service.
Read the FAQ

Questions? Contact us

If you need additional assistance, contact Adobe Customer Service.

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