Sony CMOS sensor background revealed

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There is a white paper by Sony Semiconductor on the imaging processing which I think is in the HX1, I assume it is the IMX-032 CMOS sensor ( mated to a CXD4109AGG image processing chip. There seem to be some interesting techniques employed, multi-plane synthesis to combine several frames for low light and HDR capture.
With the IMX-032, it is interesting to note that the on-board programmable gain amplifier has a gain value of up to 18dB or a factor of 8, so if base ISO is 80, then maximum “analogue” ISO is 640. If we compare the IMX-032 versus Sony’s first column ADC CMOS chip (IMX-017), the IMX-32 has an 11.8% better photo-electron efficiency per unit area (2300e per 1.75 micron square pixel compared to 4500e per 2.5 micron square pixel). Might be a sign that Sony is improving the process and design used to make their CMOS chips.
The backside illuminated chip is called the IMX-061,
6MP and 1.75 micron pixels in ClearVID (45 degree) layout with a 1:6:1 RGB Bayer filter array, sacrificing colour resolution for spatial resolution.
The Nikon D90 chip is called the IMX-038 (not the IMX-021 as for the A700), so this suggests it has significant revisions compared to the IMX-021 (possibly linked to LiveView and HD Video?).
– Dr Daniel K. L. Oi

One comment

  • CXD4109AGG seems very interesting sensor while more suitable for video. I would by (for reasonable price) a video camera with 6 Mpix (2000×3000) resolution and 30 (60)fps. It could provide a lot of space for cropping and digital stabilization in PC video editing soft. Of course 500GB CF 666x card then would be very useful.
    While with existing processors I don’t believe in image sticking concept. To make a panorama from three 12Mpix images in my computer (Dual Core, 2Gb RAM) takes ~30s or even more. The same for HDR images. I couldn’t imagine how it could be done in photo camera for less than second, but anyway it’s really interesting concept.
