Professional photographer and journalist, founder and editor of magazines PHOTOpro, Photon, Freelance Photographer, f2 and Cameracraft. For 25 years director of the Minolta Club. Fellow of the BIPP and Hon. Fellow of the MPA.

Using a low-cost IKEA spotlight for studio effect

IKEA has a very low cost optical focusing theatre-style spotlight which can be used, or adapted, for studio work. It comes complete with an adjustable iris diaphragm unit, a four-blade square aperture adjustable unit, a gobo/filter holder, a set of stainless steel cut gobos and a set of coloured glass filters. The focusing lens is not sealed against light leaks but open to allow heat to dissipate, however if this unit was adapted to hold a flash light source in place of its halogen bulb, you could also make a tube to seal off the light leaks from the optical assembly.

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Sony Alpha 200 – guided tour and overview

The Sony DSLR A200 is now on sale, following the end of Alpha 100 production. Although it is without any doubt the Alpha 100 replacement mentioned by Sony executives in October 2007, when they first revealed that the 100 was no longer being made, it is not an exact equivalent and represents a mixture of upgraded performance and simplified specification. Because it has gone in two directions at the same time, the A200 poses a problem for A100 owners. Continue reading »

Apple Aperture 2.0 processes A700 raw

Apple’s Aperture 2.0 is a tedious program to test, with all its creation of ‘projects’ and ‘libraries’, ‘albums’, ‘vaults’ and nonstandard GUI, and it isn’t fast in processing files or passing them to Photoshop (which it does in 16-bit form, just another step to reverse before saving as far as I’m concerned). However, it’s handling Alpha 700 raw quite well. And it does things differently, with non-destructive raw editing, stacks of image versions, and so on. Continue reading »

An amazing 360 degree panorama

Daniel Oi is a dedicated and experienced Alpha system user currently staying in Glasgow. He’s created a particularly impressive 360 degree panorama of a tiny area of the city centre which has unexpected magic in its Christmas lighting garb. Go down Buchanan Street, turn towards George Square, and you will walk through this Georgian enclave with street cafés, galleries, bookstore, museum and an atmosphere quite unlike the busy main drag or the vast square it links. 

This is well worth a visit!

– David

Capture One v4 cures A700 high ISO confetti

The latest full release – no longer Beta, and accepting previous C1 Pro activation keys for unlimited access but otherwise now on 30-day trial – of Capture One v4 now handles Sony Alpha 700 raw files and transforms high ISO rendering in comparison to the industry standard Adobe Camera Raw. Continue reading »

Green computing with multiple users, one PC – free software

Calgary, Alberta (Feb. 5, 2007) – Need an extra PC around the house? Userful is giving away its innovative software that gives you a second computer for free. They had such a warm response to their holiday giveaway that they have decided to continue giving away the software. It is the perfect way to reduce line-ups for the computer as spouses, parents, and children battle for a turn. Continue reading »

Free photos-to-movies trial for readers

New photo website offers the chance to turn digital photographs into animated movies by combining digital images with sound, words and special effects. The site would like to reward Photoworld readers with complimentary trials forthe first 1,000 readers. We have now extended that offer to Photoclubalpha website visitors, as we said we would do so early in February. Continue reading »

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