2023 off to a great start!

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The world can look very different through the lens… in our January/February 2023 edition, we took a keyphrase ‘Distorted View’ and it runs through the issue in different ways. Michael Colin Campbell remains an early pioneer of digital imaging, with Adobe from the start, after his entry into photography plunged him into the most high-end darkroom work ever with dye transfer printing. William Mortensen proved a fascinating historic photographer to research, with his strangely distorted occult images and nudes hitting the eyes of the photographic world a century ago but still looking contemporary. The third photographer on our cover, Peter Karry, has pursued reflections and altered views in strong colour for many years and won awards for his travel and creative work.

To subscribe on Pocketmags (currently they have a sale on) just go to https://pocketmags.com/f2-cameracraft-magazine

We also have printed copies ready to post – we don’t keep a large stock of back issues so move fast! New subscriptions taken out in January will start with this issue.
