Alpha and NEX overtake Nikon UK DSLR sales

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Chris Cheeseman writes in Amateur Photographer, reporting on figures released by photo industry analysts GfK, that Sony interchangeable lens camera sales in the UK have overtaken Nikon, moving the company into second position behind Canon.

In the Japanese home market, Canon remains top, Nikon second and Sony is third with over 15% of the market share. No attempt is made by AP to analyse the importance of Sony having a market share which is roughly half that of Nikon and Cano respectively, in that market.

The figures relate to the year 2010 – a calendar year – and it needs to be considered that Sony’s NEX system effectively went on sale slightly before midway during that term, and the SLT system one quarter later. Some Sony models were only introduced after photokina, in the final three months of the year.

In fact, it’s almost impossible to judge Sony’s impact when 2010 is viewed as a year rather than in terms of monthly or quarterly figures. If a graph was to be drawn with four lines on it – Nikon, Canon, Sony and ‘everything else’ – it looks as if the 11% overall decline in Nikon and Canon would contrast with a steep late year climb from Sony.
