Photoclubalpha meeting – Edinburgh March 22

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A Photoworld Day has been arranged for Sunday 22nd March in the premises of the Edinburgh Photographic Society at 68 Great King Street, Edinburgh. Athough primarily aimed at subscribers to Photoworld, former Minolta Club members and users of Sony digital cameras, the meeting is open to others interested in photography.
Doors will be open from 10.00am, with coffee served until 10.30 am. The meeting will run from 10.30am until around 4.00-4.15pm, with a one hour break for lunch. Packed lunches can be eaten on the premises for those not wishing to go out.
The cost of the meeting is £4.00, payable on entry, and no prior booking is necessary. A map/directions can be sent, on request, to those not familiar with central Edinburgh. In Great King Street, there are no Sunday parking restrictions, even in residents’ bays – this does not apply in surrounding streets.
ALAN THOMSON (Edinburgh) – Alan is senior designer for the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland and has been photographing zoo animals for the last 18 years. His presentation will highlight zoos as venues for photography and he will include tips and techniques for making the most of a visit.
PAUL MURPHY (Cramlington) – An enthusiastic member of Cramlington Camera Club, Paul will show dramatic images take in his native Northumberland and further afield as well as describing some of his current photographic projects and aspirations.
DUNCAN McEWAN – a presentation comprising a selection of images, mainly landscape, taken in Scotland and New Zealand using Sony Alpha 100 and Alpha 900 equipment.
DAVID KILPATRICK – Editor of Photoworld. David will have all the latest information about the Sony DSLR system and have an A700 and A900 on hand. He will also demonstrate the Sony HD digital projector EW5 which he describes as “the ultimate tool for viewing and discussing photos”.


This year the critique session will be restricted to Digital Images only. You are invited to submit a maximum of 5 digital images for appraisal or which demonstrate camera features, techniques, or simply images you wish to share. Depending on the response, the number may have to be restricted to 3, so you may wish to number your images in order of priority. Images must be in jpeg format with maximum pixel dimensions of 1024 (horizontal) x 768 (vertical) at 72dpi. Images must be submitted in advance, by email or on CD to me at the above address. Please mark your CD or email to indicate that the images are for the Photoworld Day.
Any offers of help on the day will be greatly appreciated. I look forward to seeing you on 22nd March.
Yours sincerely
Duncan I McEwan (Regional Organiser)
Duncan’s contact details are:
Tel/Fax: 01505-612673
Email: [email protected]
Web: or contact:
Duncan McEwan
Dunarden, Horsewood Road
Bridge of Weir
Renfrewshire PA11 3AT


  • Hi, Can anyone help me with advise on a plug or cord I can use to power an A350 through the DC in port without having to buy a additional charger which is not required if powering it from another source?

  • Here is the text of Duncan’s Letter
    A Photoworld Day has been arranged for Sunday 22nd March in the premises of the Edinburgh Photographic Society at 68 Great King Street, Edinburgh. Athough primarily aimed at subscribers to Photoworld, former Minolta Club members and users of Sony digital cameras, the meeting is open to others interested in photography.
    Doors will be open from 10.00am, with coffee served until 10.30 am. The meeting will run from 10.30am until around 4.00-4.15pm, with a one hour break for lunch. Packed lunches can be eaten on the premises for those not wishing to go out.
    The cost of the meeting is £4.00, payable on entry, and no prior booking is necessary. A map/directions can be sent, on request, to those not familiar with central Edinburgh. In Great King Street, there are no Sunday parking restrictions, even in residents’ bays – this does not apply in surrounding streets.
    ALAN THOMSON (Edinburgh) – Alan is senior designer for the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland and has been photographing zoo animals for the last 18 years. His presentation will highlight zoos as venues for photography and he will include tips and techniques for making the most of a visit.
    PAUL MURPHY (Cramlington) – An enthusiastic member of Cramlington Camera Club, Paul will show dramatic images take in his native Northumberland and further afield as well as describing some of his current photographic projects and aspirations.
    DUNCAN McEWAN – a presentation comprising a selection of images, mainly landscape, taken in Scotland and New Zealand using Sony Alpha 100 and Alpha 900 equipment.
    DAVID KILPATRICK – Editor of Photoworld. David will have all the latest information about the Sony DSLR system and have an A700 and A900 on hand. He will also demonstrate the Sony HD digital projector EW5 which he describes as “the ultimate tool for viewing and discussing photos”.
    This year the critique session will be restricted to Digital Images only. You are invited to submit a maximum of 5 digital images for appraisal or which demonstrate camera features, techniques, or simply images you wish to share. Depending on the response, the number may have to be restricted to 3, so you may wish to number your images in order of priority. Images must be in jpeg format with maximum pixel dimensions of 1024 (horizontal) x 768 (vertical) at 72dpi. Images must be submitted in advance, by email or on CD to me at the above address. Please mark your CD or email to indicate that the images are for the Photoworld Day.
    Any offers of help on the day will be greatly appreciated. I look forward to seeing you on 22nd March.
    Yours sincerely
    Duncan I McEwan (Regional Organiser)
