Win a Sigma 20mm f/1.8 and fly the Alpha flag

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If you use Sigma lenses on your Alpha, you can join the Sigma User Club UK and enter their prize competitions (anyone can join, worldwide, but you must be in the UK to enter the competitions as the prizes are given by the UK distribution company).

The latest one is for shallow depth of field, and the prize on offer is a 20mm f1.8 EX DG lens -potentially a great optic for the forthcoming full-frame Sony! It’s something we would love to do here on Photoclubalpha, but without official Sony support, we can’t offer prize competitions yet.

The overall competition is for Sigma UK Photographer of the Year, and the theme prizes are given six times a year. It is the start of a new season of six competitions after this theme, and points accumulate towards £1,000 worth of Sigma equipment for the annual winner.

Here’s the link:

Why are we promoting this contest here? Well, a look at their latest judging shows no sign of Alpha users, and there must be countless Sigma lens owners amongst our UK readers. So get in there (membership is free, it’s a website club only) and show off your Alpha+Sigma skills. Having a few Alpha users around might help Sigma speed up the process of reintroducing more lenses in Alpha mount. The 20mm f/1.8 prize, we are glad to say, is one of the designs they do offer for Alpha.

– DK
