Edinburgh Photoworld Club day

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We have a Photoworld day in Edinburgh on February 10th 2008, to which all Photoclubalpha registered members are welcome (it is strictly by prior arrangement, so please do not turn up on the day). It starts at 10.30am and ends around 4.30pm, and will be held at Edinburgh Photographic Society. There is a small fee for refreshments. Details follow.

A Photoworld Day has been arranged for Sunday 10th February in the premises of the Edinburgh Photographic Society at 68 Great King Street, Edinburgh. Athough aimed at former Minolta Club members and subscribers to Photoworld, this meeting is open to Photoclubalpha members (through the website) as well. Doors will be open from 10.00am, with coffee served until 10.30 am. The meeting will run from 10.30am until around 4.00pm, with a one hour break for lunch. Packed lunches can be eaten on the premises for those not wishing to go out.

The cost of the meeting is £4.00, payable on entry, and no prior booking is necessary. A map/directions can be sent, on request, to those not familiar with central Edinburgh.


SANDY FURNISS, PPSA, EFIAP/s, MPAGB (Stokesley) – this is a great opportunity to see the work of probably the current most successful UK exhibitor in International Exhibitions – over 300 Awards, never mind acceptances. His interests include nature and landscape but he is probably best known for his creative work. His talk is titled “Pixies to Pixels”.

DAVID DALZIEL (Glasgow) – David sprang into the spotlight last year when he reached the final of Practical Photography’s Photographer of the Year Competition, only to be pipped at the post. He is a member of Paisley Colour PC and his digital presentation will reflect his various interests in photography.

DAVID JONES (Falkirk) – David spent a year travelling around the world, in the process accumulated a massive number of digital images. His presentation will be in the form of A/V sequences concentrating on his time in W. USA – San Diego to Alaska, Canyonlands, the Rockies – but also a glimpse of Cambodia.

DAVID KILPATRICK – Editor of Photoworld. Alpha 700 and 200, Q&A.

(1) Slides/prints. Please bring along a maximum of 5 examples of your own work for discussion and appraisal. There should be space to display prints for viewing even if you do not wish a critique.
(2) Digital Images. You are invited to submit up to 5 digital images for appraisal or which demonstrate camera features, techniques, or simply images you wish to share. Images must be submitted in advance, by email or on CD (.jpg only – max pixel size 1024 x 768 and 72dpi), to me at [email protected]. Please mark your CD or email to indicate that the images are for the Photoworld Day.

– Duncan McEwan, Regional Organiser


  • Thanks David, I received the letter today via post. I will be there and look forward to meeting you and the others again.

  • I think Duncan means no prior payment is necessary. Obviously for the digital images prior booking is essential, and generally, he prefers to know who’s coming. The letter has gone out with his wording, and I agree, it’s a bit ambiguous. I added the strictly by prior arrangement for this web version because it’s one matter to send out 160 letters to Scottish club members, another to publicize the event on the website, and I think we do need to know who is there. Everone will have to sign in, of course. I’m sure arriving on the day will not be a problem.


  • Looking forward to this David.
    I think you need to clarify the details about entry on the day as they are contradictory (Do you need to book or not?)
