Free Photo Tools Lite download

OnOne Software has made available an entire free download including Lite versions of 14 of their PhotoTools plug-ins for Photoshop and other image editing programs. All you have to do to obtain the download is visit their website using the link below and provide a valid email address for verification. We have tested the entire OnOne software range – including the full PhotoTools 2 package – with excellent performance on CS4/MacOSX 10.5+.

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Free PhotoTools software for Photoclubalpha readers

OnOne Software has made available an entire free download including Lite versions of 14 of their PhotoTools plug-ins for Photoshop. All you have to do to obtain the download is visit their website using the link below and provide a valid email address for verification. We have tested the entire OnOne software range – including the full PhotoTools 2 package – with excellent performance on CS4/MacOSX 10.5+.
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Portrait Professional v9 update

Portrait Professional’s updated version 9 is due to be launched from Anthropics Technology in around 20 days. If you buy the current version 8 (see our earlier reviews) you will automatically receive the Version 9 update free as well, and be buying at the old price saving an extra £10. Literally in a few minutes, this quick and intuitive photo editing and airbrushing software subtly reshapes faces, fix skin blemishes, whitens teeth, removes wrinkles and adjusts lighting plus much more – all at the click of a mouse.  It is a dual platform programme which works well on both Mac and PC.

Portrait Professional is currently on offer at half price for only £39.95. Master Photo Digital and dPhotoexpert readers can claim a further 10% off by quoting code mpa609

To purchase the software or download a free trial please go to

ACR 5.3 and Lightroom 2.3 pre-release

Support for the Nikon D3X is finally added in release-candidate (better than beta) versions of the two main Adobe raw file conversion utilities. There may also be improvements in A900 and other Sony raw file handling – it is worth acquiring the pre-release version to check this out. The downloads will be available on the Adobe Labs site from 20.00hrs GMT on Friday, January 23rd, 2009.
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Portrait Professional at photokina

Photokina Hall 4.1
Stand F31/G30

September 2008: Image processing firm Anthropics Technology, will be demonstrating the latest release of its new automatic photo editing and airbrushing software, Portrait Professional V8 at photokina ( To obtain a 10% discount on this software inlcuding the new Studio edition, enter Master Photo Digital magazine special code mpa609; if you have bought an earlier edition, use code ‘mcpupgrade‘ to secure a discount on an upgrade.

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