PDSA photogenic pet photo contest

Leading UK veterinary charity, PDSA, has launched its search to discover the UK’s most photogenic pet. If your pet has star quality and is always posing for the camera, then why not enter their photograph into the PDSA pets’ gallery competition? 

Entries are welcome at all 179 PDSA shops throughout July, or online at www.pdsa.org.uk/petsgallery.

Posing pets are in with a chance of being named PDSA’s pets’ gallery winner, and can also bag their owner a fantastic camera phone. The phone comes with a PDSA Dog & Bone SIM card – a pay-as-you-go SIM that offers some of the most competitive call rates on the market, and which also generates up to 10 per cent of top-up income for PDSA.

The competition is free to enter, but animal lovers are invited to make a £1 donation to help other furry friends in need of PDSA’s help. All proceeds raised will help PDSA provide free veterinary treatment to the sick and injured pets of people in need.

Last year\'s winner, without any photo credits for some reason

Last year’s winner. (No comment – Ed.)

Photographs submitted will be displayed in their local PDSA shop for the duration of the competition. The selected winning photograph will also feature on PDSA’s website.

PDSA spokesperson, Lisa Nickless, says: “If you have a handsome hound, magnificent moggie, or another pet that loves the lens, why not enter their photo into PDSA’s pets’ gallery competition? And by giving a donation, you will also be helping PDSA to carry out its vital work of providing free veterinary treatment to pets in need of vets across the UK.”

Pick up an entry form inside your local PDSA shop, or alternatively, enter online at www.pdsa.org.uk/petsgallery. The more pets you have, the more times you can enter!

PDSA regrets that it cannot return photographs. By submitting photographs entrants are agreeing to the terms and conditions* of the competition. The closing date for entries is Saturday 2 August 2008.

*See application form for details.


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  • I truly feel if everyone had compassion for all living things than we would be able to enjoy our family, friends, workmates, and pet family in the best way. Our environment affects theirs too (our pet family) I hurt when fellow humans hurt, but I also hurt or feel happy with my pets – -I treasure momentos and take many photos, and enjoy seeing those of others. I hope remembering happy moments, will always stay on top!

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