Our November/December issue is out now
All of our direct digital download subscribers have now been sent their link to get a high-res PDF of the latest edition – and all those subscribing through Pocketmags or reading on Apple, Amazon or Google devices are enjoying their favourite photographic title.

Every picture tells a story, and we ask our photographers to tell the stories connected with their images. Faye Yerbury explains how someone copied her work by shooting over the shoulder, Paul Hands reveals his best-selling ever jigsaw – a perfect Christmas scene in Olde England! We visit the Beamish Living Museum of the North and a night time shoot with a World War II bomber, see how the Sony A7IV shapes up with major firmware updates, try Tamron’s lovely little 20-40mm f/2.8 zoom, and make prints for D-I-Y photo books and greetings cards using doubled sided inkjet papers
To subscribe on Pocketmags (currently they have a sale on) just go to https://pocketmags.com/f2-cameracraft-magazine
We also have printed copies ready to post – we don’t keep a large stock of back issues so move fast! New subscriptions taken out in November will start with this issue.