Summer Photoworld – our final quarterly

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The Summer edition of Photoworld magazine is now available on-line in two forms – through our YUDU subscription, and through the Photoclubalpha website membership subscription. This will be our last quarterly, as over the last few years the website had taken over as a more practical vehicle for news and comment.

In place of the quarterly, our printed edition subscribers will receive in summer 2012 the first ALPHA ANNUAL, with 100+ pages and superior production quality. It will showcase good and innovative work and provide a summary of developments in the Alpha system, along with other features, just as MINOLTA MIRROR once did for Minolta owners.

To read (subscrition required) the on-line YUDU page turn version:

Just follow the instructions above!
To download a simple PDF which can be copied to your iTunes Bookstore for iPad reading, or transferred to any suitable eBook, Android tablet, PC, Mac, Unix netbook or similar PDF-compatible device, you will need to be a subscriber to this website (a member), and use this link – Subscription Content. All our back issues are also provided to subscribers.


  • The Alpha Annual is intended to be a softback similar to Minolta Mirror though I’m unsure whether we can run to that kind of quality. It will also be presented as a digital edition, and beyond this it should be purchasable in hardback form through Lulu, Vistaprint or Blurb. We will choose what digital-print options are offered but they will certainly include premium paper and hardback editions.

    I’m considering the option of making a substantial ‘back issue collection’ book as well from the 2006-2011.

  • I just had a quick read of ‘the final issue’, and sadly it’s still a good read!

    It appears that over the past year, things have changed somewhat in the Sony camp regarding new product releases and I especially find the looming arrival of the a77 to be significant in many ways.

    I suggest that you may have more than enough material for your first ALPHA ANNUAL and further that it may require a hard cover? 😉

    Are you going to offer a digital version of your annual for those of us who reside in the colonies?

    All the best for your launch of the first ALPHA ANNUAL!

    Regards Steve
