Free downloadable model release

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Contract supply service has announced it is making available a free Model Release Form.

Anyone in the trade knows that photographers should always get a signed form showing they have permission when photographing someone else for profit, however as we are all aware this does not always happen.

Available free for a limited time only, the Model Release Form is straightforward and is designed to ensure that the model confirms that he/she has given consent to the photographer to make full use of the photographs. It forms a contract between the photographer and the model to agree how the images may be used.  Without a signed release a photographer may be unable to sell an image of a person, even if the subject was not a professional model and provided verbal consent.

The form has various details to be completed, in particular the name and contact details of the model and the photographer. In addition the form identifies the date on which the photographs are taken and the nature and purposes for which the photos are being taken. The usage can either be restricted to the purposes identified in the form or usage can be unrestricted.

The text makes it clear that not only the photographer but any third party who has the photographer’s consent can use the photographs and that the images may be digitally enhanced or used in conjunction with other images and text.

The form sets out the ‘consideration’ due to the model – this will often be a payment but it could be a nominal amount or something other than cash – e.g. a set of the photographs.

If the model is under 18 then a parent or guardian needs to complete it on their behalf.

Legally binding contracts form the basis of every healthy business relationship, and at you can find all kinds of ready-made business contracts – written by lawyers, but at a fraction of the cost, such as a Photographers Terms of Business (£39.00 plus vat) (
This contains 11 main clauses covering the scope of services, fees and expenses, information and approval, standard of care, intellectual property, limits on liability, unavoidable risks, termination and cancellation etc. It also includes a Project Form with details of the photography assignment, type of photos, fees etc. to be completed and signed, to evidence the contract.

Also of potential interest is a Multimedia Licence (£45.00 plus vat) (, designed for use by a multimedia producer who wishes to exploit copyright-protected works in a multimedia product. also provides additional legal services for its customers including :-

– Legal document tailoring when you have circumstances that require particular extra consideration

– Custom Legal Documents with new legal document templates can be prepared on request. This is not a tailoring service as will aim to make a new template contract available to all.

– Checking Your Legal Document by highly experienced lawyers to make sure it will be right for your needs

As another useful resource, also offers useful free information on a variety of legal topics from Preparing a Business Plan to Running Your Own Limited Company.

Each of the lawyers who produce the contracts for, has expertise in different areas of the law. Between them they have over 150 years of experience in drafting contracts.

For your free copy of the Model Release Form, go to where it can be downloaded directly.

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